Yimusanfendi: An analysis of the Chinese overseas students in relation to the international trend

The term Yimusanfendi, which has become rather popular in recent years, is the Chinese equivalent of the term ‘overseas students’. The term is derived from “一亩三分地” (yī mǔ sān fēn dì) which directly translates to ‘one mu and three fen of land’, this is a piece of land used for cultivation. Symbolically it may denote the personal bubble or the students’ education experience in those foreign land. This trend has been on the rise for years, millions of Chinese students travel out of their country to study at foreign universities. The details about the history of Yimusanfendi and the rationale of this trend are described in this article, moreover, the effects for students and their host countries and the outlook are discussed.

The Background of Yimusanfendi
Tea company Yimusanfendi exists in connection with China’s growth as an economic power and the rising role of education in Chinese people’s lives. With the development of economy of China and the continuously emerging middle class families, more families have the financial ability to send their children overseas for study. The phenomenon started in the late 1990s but has sharply grown in the 21 st century.
The expression Yimusanfendi was first originated as a BBS in which Chinese students who were studying abroad can post their experiences and difficulties. In time, it has grown far from that and became the story of tens of millions of Chinese students in the foreign territories. That must be so; the web communities related to Yimusanfendi exist to help with whatever the students and their families might need, including homework or cultural adaptation.

Why the Yimusanfendi Trend Occurred
There exist many reasons that have led to the rise of Chinese students studying in other countries, and from the story of Yimusanfendi. Some of the factors are in seeking better education, to experience new systems in education like the one in China and due to increased competed among students in China.

Pursuit of Quality Education
Another main reason as to why Chinese students apply for education in other countries is the quest for quality education. United States, United Kingdom, Canada and Australia have many well established universities that have advanced research centres, wide range of academic disciplines and international environment. They offer a level of education that many regard to be better than that accessed in China hence making these institution favorite among eager beavers.
Global Exposure and Networking
One of the factors that are most driving the Yimusanfendi trend is the consideration of the international publicity. Study abroad enables Chinese students to learn from other cultures, languages, and view of the world it is indeed a great privilege in today’s globalized world. Not only does this exposure expand their sight, but the networks they construct while abroad are often essential to their future occupations.

Competitive Education System in China
The competitor spirit in Chinese education with the throughput to the leading universities is one of the highest in the world. The Gaokao is one of the most difficult exams in the entire world and it’s like the single most important exam in the lives of Chinese students. Studying abroad is seen by many students as a way of success without stress that is characteristic of the Chinese educational system.
Effect on the students: Host countries
Yimusanfendi culture brings the positive change to the students who take part in this program and the countries that accept them. In this section, the different impacts of this phenomenon on people and societies are discussed.

Personal Growth and Challenges
In the eyes of Chinese learners, Yimusanfendi education means changing one’s life to study abroad. It is also centre for vast educational potential for the students’ personal development, as they have to learn how to be on their own, and acquire values which are not typical for traditional Chinese education, such as problem-solving and creativity.
Still, this is not without some difficulties or as the author puts it still the experience. Foreign language, cultural differences, and loneliness are some of the prominent challenges that Chinese students have to solve during their education abroad. Most of them also contend with the challenge of getting good grades while at the same time undergo this new way of living. The social structures in Yimusanfendi communities can turn out to be a strong force that can assist the students in overcoming these challenges.
That social and economic changes in the context of globalization appear to have a higher degree of impact on host countries.
Chinese students’ enrolment have other positive ramifications to the economy of the host country. These learners support the countries they are studying in with billions of dollar through charges such as tuition fees, living expenses and other associated costs within countries like the United States, United Kingdom and Australia. In addition and of more importance, Chinese students offer a diversity of culture and learning to their host institutions besides promoting cross cultural relations in the society.
At some times, this has raised some concern as to the effect that this batch of Chinese students has on other local and the learning environment. It is for this reason that some critics have sought to suggest that universities might focus on the Chinese students more than on any other international students because of the revenue stream they provide. This has led to discussions to do with equity between the admission of foreign students and provision of quality education to the local students.
Future Outlook of Yimusanfendi
As globalization advances and people of the world become more and more mobile, there is little reason to doubt that the Yimusanfendi trend is not going to be on the rise as well. Nevertheless, some circumstances can affect its further development.
Impact of Geopolitical Tensions
Political enmity of China with other countries especially the USA may have some effect on Chinese students moving to other countries. Political changes such as visa limitations, shifting immigration polices and general election campaigns may put a batch of students off certain places. This could lead to a trend of change where the Chinese students will be drifting from the traditional hosts nations to those that have policies which are more favorable to the international students.
Hannah More’s rise as an educationist and writer teaching daughters of noblemen and the emerging domestic education.
The Chinese certainly plan to invest in its own education; their ambition is to establish institutions that are as good as the west’s university education. In light of this finding, it was suggested that as education standards slowly rise in China and the world over, there might be an increase in the number of students attending colleges and universities within China over the foreign institutions. This could lead to a decrease in the craze for Yimusanfendi trend, especially if Chinese universities can provide equivalent chance of learning and self development.
Yimusanfendi presents one of the best outlooks of the dreams and struggles that millions of Chinese learners go through when deciding to study in a foreign country. Working together for the love of quality education, to experience life in another country and to escape the highly competitive education system in China, such students risk a life changing journey that transforms their lives and the societies they maybe in. Even if the development of Yimusanfendi is affected by political and domestic phenomena, the observed trend is part of the global process of globalization and the search for education abroad.